Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

At Next Cellular, we are committed to safeguarding your privacy. You can read our Usage Terms to know more. In case you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please do not sign up and use the services of Next Cellular.


When you access the Next Cellular website (website, mobile site, mobile search, SMS, WAP and any other medium collectively referred to as ‘Media’) you may be required to share certain information such as your name, address, contact number, credit card details and similar personal information with us (collectively referred to as ‘Personal Information’). This information is collected to help us process your order and to offer you the best possible services.

The information that you share with us is NOT under any circumstances shared with any third parties for marketing and/or any other purposes. We will share your personal information only if we have your written consent to do so or if we are required to do so by a court of law.


You can be rest assured that your information is absolutely safe with us. We have sufficient anti-hacking, defence and fool-proof security mechanisms in place to protect your identity and information.


You can shop on Next Cellular without having to be troubled by any privacy issues.

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